Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why Healthy Snacks Are Important for Your Child

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are likely the best times for your child to snack. Healthy snacks help maintain stable blood glucose (sugar) and insulin levels. Since the brain only uses glucose for fuel it is very important in helping your child’s ability to focus and concentrate in school. Healthy snacks also supply your child with more stable energy and aids in maintaining ideal weight.

Children should avoid eating refined sugars and fat-laden foods that since these “empty calories” do not provide the necessary nutrients a kid needs. Remember, refined sugar and highly processed foods will drop a child’s blood glucose and can hinder performance in the classroom as well as with recreational activities. It also bears mentioning that in some children, a large amount of refined sugar can stimulate a brain chemical called dopamine which can increase their hyperactivity.

Listed below are some healthy snack ideas for your child:

*Almond nut butter on celery, apples or rice cakes
*Raw veggies with hummus or low fat dip
*Brown rice pudding made with rice, almond or soy milk
*Rice cakes with sesame butter
*Baked yam chips with salsa
*Fresh fruit with Health Valley brand cookie
*Stonyfield brand yogurt granola

Remember, the key to keeping your kids healthy and fit is to provide nutritious foods throughout the day; everyday and healthy snacks are an essential part of the process.
Tom Mantos
Clinical Nutritionist


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